Frequently Asked Questions
The research team at RMTRO digs into many different sources, and sometimes buys research from other organizations, and we have occasionally started a process that has already expired, so we reach a dead end. But in all cases the money and the recipient are identified. The funds might come from an agency like VA, HHS, DoD, IRS, or might come from a court settlement, an insurance policy, mortgage foreclosure, tax rebates, storage units, or many other possibilities.
Sometimes (As when a claim is due to someone with a common name) the research goes down a divergent path, and we reach out to the wrong person, But if you have been contacted, it means that the team has worked to verify that you are the right person. You have nothing to lose, and a lot to gain by reaching out!
Agencies holding funds will require documentation to verify the right to claim funds. Sometimes there has to be a legal representative to handle probate or other issues, In any case requiring additional work and representation, RMTRO will provide the assistance to process the claim.
Amounts vary wildly from a few Thousand dollars to Hundreds of Thousands of dollars. For information about your claim, please reach out to an agent for specifics.
Almost all of the agencies put some kind of time limit on the ability to claim. The time windows vary from just a few months in some cases to many years in other cases. After the time limit runs out, the agencies claim the funds as their own and spend as they wish. There is certainly an unfair and vested interest for the agencies to not help you find them. Don’t delay in reaching out if you have been contacted.
RMTRO will never ask you for money. There is no out-of-pocket cost. RMTRO will take a percentage of the claim to recover cost and ensure that we have funds to continue to research and help other claimants. The percentage will vary based on the requirements of the agency holding the funds.
Many of the agencies do not post the claims, or else make them difficult to find. There are a few websites dedicated to ‘Unclaimed Funds Searches’. These sites make most of their money by gathering your personal information and selling it. At the bottom line, it’s your money, and if you can find it and work the process, then you have every right to do so.
RMTRO will not ever sell any personal information, and in fact we ask only for information pertinent to becoming your partner and working with you in the process.